3 ways to register ChatGPT!

ChatGPT It’s been so popular recently. Unlike Siri, it can learn and understand human language, interact in contexts, just like chatting, and even write code.

Israeli President Isaac Herzog also delivered a speech partly written by AI, the first world leader to publicly use ChatGPT.

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But every time registered a foreign account, the heart is not always some beautiful Chinese want to speak. Today xiaobian will teach you how to register for ChatGPT.
create an account

Enter the website:https://chat.openai.com/auth/login

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Create an account: select [sign up], you can use Google mailbox or QQ mailbox, Google does not need to verify the mail, but QQ needs.

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Then fill in the name.

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Mobile phone verification: you need to fill in the phone number, but the + 86 in China is limited, so we need the virtual mobile phone number or rental number to receive the verification code.

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identifying code

There are free receiving platforms, but they will be identified as a virtual number, or the number has been registered, and some platforms are also difficult to register. Here are three platforms that can receive verification codes. After all, after the recent fire of ChatGPT, these prices continue to soar. You can compare who is cheaper and save money. Not only ChatGPT can be verified through, such as Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter, etc., can use the virtual numbers of these platforms.

SMS-ACTIVATE https://sms-activate.org/

Register with QQ mailbox to check if you are a robot.

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Click to recharge, it has a lot of payment methods, choose Alipay to buy it.

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Back to the home page, click [openAI], select the country after the purchase.

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After purchase, copy the number to fill in, and then back to SMS-ACTIVATE to view the verification code, fill in the ChatGPT and registered successfully.

SMS-MAN https://sms-man.com/

This interface is much more comfortable and clear, the same, QQ mailbox registration.

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Click the [Top up] in the upper right corner to recharge.

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You can choose Alipay here, but it is the kami mode, which can only be a fixed amount. After charging, you need to enter kami (coupon code) to complete the payment.

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Then go back to the home page, search for [open] in the selection service to see the OpenAI, and then choose the country you want.

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Copy the number in the ChatGPT, then back to SMS-MAN to check the verification code, fill in the ChatGPT and register.

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5SIM https://5sim.net/

In fact, this is not recommended, its interface is a little messy, and the payment method can only choose UnionPay, the commission fee is higher. The registration method is also QQ mailbox, after recharge, choose [OpenAI] and the country to buy, the process and the two are not much difference. It’s just a backup solution.

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After registering, you can flirt with ChatGPT. ChatGPT Is a natural language processing technology, mainly used in the following application scenarios:

● Chatbot: used to talk with users, answer their questions and interact

● Intelligent customer service: to help enterprises to provide 24 / 7 online customer service. 

● Text generation: generate relevant content, such as poems, news articles, etc.

● Language translation: translating text between different languages.

● Text classification: classify the text into different categories, such as emotion analysis, mail classification, etc.

Intelligent quiz: To answer users’ questions by analyzing large amounts of text data. These are some of the typical applications of ChatGPT, but its capabilities can be further extended to other areas. For foreign trade enterprises, for example, they can write news articles, product descriptions, advertising copywriting of independent stations, from which to obtain writing materials, and so on, to save the time to prepare materials.

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At present, we have also obtained the official API cooperation authorization, is expected to launch related AI products in the future, to achieve better intelligent assistance, want to know the enterprise friends please pay more attention to the [global search] public number, please look forward to.

Post time: Feb-16-2023